A Tale of Three Islands
Many people around the village, in all walks of life, will remember Peter Grainger, who died in January of this year, at the age of 61. If you met him in the high street, he always had time to talk and you could rely on him to be cheery and empathetic.
Peter was always very supportive of the infrequent talks that I have given at Trinity Church, about our various travels to “exotic parts”. He particularly enjoyed the one about our safari to the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, having himself been born, and spent his early years, just over the border in Kenya.
When we went to see him, in Lister Hospital, we had just returned from Tobago and we showed him some of our photos. He said “You really must give a talk and show these photos”, although I think that even he knew that he would not be able to attend himself. We promised that we would give a talk, when the time was right.
As the evening draws in, I think that the time will be right in November and so we have arranged the talk for 19.30 on Tuesday 13thNovember in Trinity Church, Knebworth. The talk will cover our trips in 2017 to Mauritius, Tobago and St Lucia and as always, will be supported by photos, many featuring the flora and fauna of the islands (no dodos on Mauritius I’m afraid).
Cheryl and Ellie Grainger have also arranged for the talk to be advertised on the website of PolyPeople, the support group for people who suffer as Peter did, from polyposis, a syndrome that affects the large intestine. Hopefully we will have a large audience.
I hope that you can join us on 13thNovember, when there will be a collection at the end of the evening, in aid of PolyPeople.