PolyposisPatient is a trusted support group for those affected by Polyposis syndromes. We are dedicated to enabling access to the most up to date, useful and relevant help and information through supporting St Mark’s Hospital in their world leading Polyposis work.
“Patient organisations are crucial – providing mutual support and information for patients, key feedback to clinicians, and potentially powerful lobbying groups. More patients with polyposis have been looked after at St Mark’s than at any other hospital in the world bar the Cleveland Clinic in the USA, making it a natural focal point with sufficient numbers of people with these rare conditions to enable PolyPeople to be launched.”
Professor Sue Clark, St. Mark’s Hospital,
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon & Director of the Polyposis Registry, 2018

PolyposisPatient is a trusted support group for those affected by Polyposis syndromes. We are dedicated to enabling access to the most up to date, useful and relevant help and information through supporting St Mark’s Hospital in their world leading Polyposis work. We have recently launched a subscription page, offering the community a means to support the hard work of St Marks Polyposis Registry and the associated research teams, by giving £5 or more monthly.
The money received through your subscription will also support the patient groups and families affected by Polyposis syndromes. Most recently PolyPeople have donated £1,000 to create the PolyPosis Registry App, software developed for healthcare professionals worldwide, helping in the diagnosis and treatment of Polyposis syndromes.
Types of Polyposis
Did you know there are different types of Polyposis syndromes? Take a look at these booklets below for more information:
Meet our volunteers
Polyposis Patient survives on the generous donation of our committee members, volunteers and the public to continue to strive to support all patients affected by the disease.
If you are able, please donate what you can by clicking one of the buttons below. You can donate a one-off amount or subscribe monthly amounts. Thank you for your support.
Fancy volunteering?
If you are able and interested in being involved with patient support please contact us and find out about
Talking Together, our buddying system to help support new and existing Polyposis patients.
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